Eat Drink Spill Hope

2016 - ongoing | Performance

Eat Drink Spill Hope is a research project that examines the impacts of climate change on the production, distribution and consumption of food. The research is materialised in performance/dinners events where the public is invited to participate actively, tasting a variety of flavours, sensations and events distilled from the causes and consequences of the climate crisis.

The performance/dinners are composed of a plurality of ingredients, both edible and non-edible (performative, scenographic and conceptual ingredients). The dishes served only include ingredients that have been chosen for their regenerative and nutritional properties. Each crop that is introduced has the capacity to restore the soil, capture large amounts of carbon or has a high nutritional value, being able to replace other foods that negatively impact the planet.

This project started in 2016 thanks to the invitation of Staff_Room and De Balie.